Software available through csdms-stack

The following software packages are available through csdms-stack.

  • anuga v2.0.2

    ANUGA is a hydrodynamic modeling tool that allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • AnugaSedOutline allows for limited use of ANUGA, a hydrodynamic model for simulating depth-averaged flows over 2D surfaces, and the sediment transport and vegetation drag modules of anugaSed. Use this component for model runs over topographies derived from rasters.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • AnugaSedRectangular allows for limited use of ANUGA, a hydrodynamic model for simulating depth-averaged flows over 2D surfaces, and the sediment transport and vegetation drag modules of anugaSed. Use this component for simulations on rectangular domains.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • babelizer v0.2.0

    Generate BMI language bindings with babel.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • The Basic Model Interface (BMI) defines an interface for converting a standalone model into an integrated modeling framework component.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • bmi-babel v0.1.0

    linux-64, osx-64
  • bmi-tester v0.2.3

    Test a Python BMI implementation

    linux-64, osx-64
  • bmi_wrap v0.1.2

    Summary of the project

    linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • brake v1.0

    BRaKE is the Blocky River and Knickpoint Evolution model

    linux-64, osx-64
  • cb v20

    linux-64, osx-64
  • cca-babel v2.0.0

    linux-64, osx-64
  • cca-bocca v0.5.7

    linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • cca-tools v0.1

    A metapackage of Common Component Architecture software

    linux-64, osx-64
  • ccaffeine v0.8.8

    linux-64, osx-64
  • cem v0.1.5

    The Coastline Evolution Model (CEM) addresses predominately sandy, wave-dominated coastlines on time-scales ranging from years to millenia and on spatial scales ranging from kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. Shoreline evolution results from gradients in wave-driven alongshore sediment transport. At its most basic level, the model follows the standard 'one-line' modeling approach, where the cross-shore dimension is collapsed into a single data point. However, the model allows the plan-view shoreline to take on arbitrary local orientations, and even fold back upon itself, as complex shapes such as capes and spits form under some wave climates (distributions of wave influences from different approach angles). The model can also represent the geology underlying the sandy coastline and shoreface in a simplified manner and enables the simulation of coastline evolution when sediment supply from an eroding shoreface may be constrained. CEM also supports the simulation of human manipulations to coastline evolution through beach nourishment or hard structures.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • A Python interface to UNIDATA's Udunits-2 package with CF extensions.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • A python interface to UNIDATA's Udunits-2 package with CF extensions

    linux-64, osx-64
  • chasm v1.4

    linux-64, osx-64
  • child v10.6

    linux-64, osx-64
  • cmip v0.1.3

    The CMIP component provides access to a set of temperature and precipitation data in the permafrost regions of the world for years 1900 to 2100 from forecasts from CMIP models.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • coreutils v8.27

    linux-64, osx-64
  • cruaktemp v0.1.1

    CRUAKTemp provides access to a subsample of CRU NCEP temperature data for Alaska.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • BRaKE is the Blocky River and Knickpoint Evolution model

    linux-64, osx-64
  • csdms-cem v0.1.2

    linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • csdms-cmip v0.1.3

    The CMIP component provides access to a set of temperature and precipitation data in the permafrost regions of the world for years 1900 to 2100 from forecasts from CMIP models.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • The CRUAKTemp component provides access to a subsample of CRU NCEP temperature data for Alaska.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • Dakotathon is a Python wrapper for the Dakota systems analysis toolkit.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • csdms-ilamb v0.1.1

    Componentized version of the International Land Model Benchmarking Project (ILAMB) benchmarking toolkit.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • The point version of the Frost Number model from Permamodel.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • The geographic version of the Frost Number model from Permamodel.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • The point version of the Kudryavtsev model from Permamodel.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • The geographic version of the Kudryavtsev model from Permamodel.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • Parcel-based cellular flux routing and sediment transport model for the formation of river deltas

    linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
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  • linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • linux-64, osx-64
  • dakotathon v0.4.1

    A Python API and BMI for the Dakota iterative systems analysis toolkit.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • grass v7.4.0

    GRASS GIS, commonly referred to as GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System), is a free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS) software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization.

  • hydrotrend v3.0

    linux-64, osx-64
  • ilamb v2.2

    The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) project is a model-data intercomparison and integration project designed to improve the performance of land models and, in parallel, improve the design of new measurement campaigns to reduce uncertainties associated with key land surface processes.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • landlab v1.5.1

    linux-64, osx-64
  • libparsifal v1.0.0

    linux-64, osx-64
  • Tools for working with model metadata and staging model simulations.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • permamodel v0.1.2

    A collection of numerical permafrost models.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • osx-64
  • plume v0.1

    A hypopycnal sediment-carrying plume entering the ocean

    linux-64, osx-64
  • pydeltarcm v1.0

    Parcel-based cellular flux routing and sediment transport model for the formation of river deltas

    linux-64, osx-64
  • pymt v0.2.2

    Python package that provides services for coupling BMI components

    linux-64, osx-64
  • pymt_cem v0.1.1

    Python package that wraps the CEM BMI.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • Python package that wraps the sedflux3d BMI.

  • pymt_waves v0.1.1

    Python package that wraps the Waves BMI.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • rafem v0.3.5

    Morphodynamic river avulsion module designed to be coupled with the Coastline Evolution Model (CEM) and Sedflux 3D.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • scripting v0.2.1

    Python utilities for shell scripting

    linux-64, osx-64
  • sedflux v2.2.1

    Sedflux-2.0 is the newest version of the Sedflux basin-filling model. Sedflux-2.0 provides a framework within which individual process-response models of disparate time and space resolutions communicate with one another to deliver multi grain sized sediment load across a continental margin.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • stack v0.1

    linux-64, osx-64
  • Python utilities for working with CSDMS standard names.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • topoflow v3.4.1

    Spatial hydrologic model (D8-based, fully BMI-compliant)

    linux-64, osx-64
  • udunits2 v2.2.25

    The UDUNITS package supports units of physical quantities.

    linux-64, osx-64
  • wmt-exe v0.1

    linux-64, osx-64