About CSDMS Stack

CSDMS Stack is a GitHub organization that houses conda recipes for Earth-surface related software. Each recipe builds a single software package, which can be installed with the conda command, that together form the complete CSDMS software stack. Each repository automatically builds its own recipe in a clean and repeatable way on Linux and Mac (and sometimes Windows).

The built distributions are uploaded to anaconda.org/csdms-stack and can be installed with conda. For example, to install a csdms-stack package into an existing conda environment,

$ conda config --add channels csdms-stack
$ conda install <package-name>

There are two main types of repositories within the organization, each of which end with -recipe:

  1. [model]-recipe: These are recipes for community-contributed models.
  2. [model]-csdms-recipe: These are recipes for models that expose a BMI and that have wrapped so as they can be used within the CSDMS modeling framework, pymt.

See our list of recipes for a complete list of CSDMS components, models, and tools.

Contributing to CSDMS Stack

You can contribute to the CSDMS Stack in the following ways:

  1. Report an issue with a particular recipe.
  2. Update an existing recipe.
  3. Add a new recipe.

Report an issue with a package

  1. Search for the appropriate CSDMS Stack recipe.
  2. Search the issues for the recipe to make sure it hasn't already been raised and/or dealt with. If you don't find anything, create a new issue being sure to provide a detailed description of the problem, the result that our are getting and the result that you expect to get. In addition, please provide an example that reproduces your problem with the least amount of code possible.

Update a package

  1. Search for the appropriate recipe.
  2. Fork the recipe you wish to update.
  3. Edit the recipe.
  4. Propose the change as a pull request.

Add a recipe